Instruction on Filling out the Application

Внимательно ознакомьтесь с инструкцией перед подготовкой заявки

List of documents for obtaining an opinion on the evaluation of a single vehicle:

1. Completed application form (a file is attached below (Google.Drive), please just fill it out according to the instructions below);

2. Certificate of OGRN (PSRNSP);

3. Bill of Sale or other document confirming the right of ownership;

4. Evidentiary materials in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1269, subparagraphs "a", "b", "d" of paragraph 7;

5. Photo and video materials.

Filling out the application fields

The application template is filled in electronically in the fields "Place for entering text". The fields "Select Item" are filled out by selecting the desired value from the drop-down list. Any other changes, including adding footers, watermarks, deleting text, are not allowed. The appendix to the application for conformity assessment work is filled out similarly in the same file. Fields in the appendix are filled in only those fields that relate to your vehicle according to the category (M1; M2, M3; N; O, as well as from the type of power plant: internal combustion engine, electric vehicle, hybrid). The other fields are left unchanged.

The fields are filled in manually or by copying (method "Save only text"). In this case, the text will have a standardized format of Times New Roman, 10. Note that the text should not contain tabulations, quotation marks and line breaks to the next paragraph. If there are several values, you should write them separated by commas (for example, in the "Other documents" field: Document 1, Document 2).

Evidentiary materials

The section "Evidentiary materials" shall be completed as follows: type of document, document number, date of its execution (issuance), name of the organization that issued the document, the next document and its details shall be separated by a semicolon. Evidentiary materials shall be provided for each of the items of Annex No. 7 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1269.

For example: Communication, E13*48R06/XX*XXXXX, 26.03.2021, Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics; ...

Photographic material for the subsequent issuance of electronic vehicle passports

The photos must be numbered in accordance with the table below and be in .jpg format; the size of one photo must not exceed 500 Kb and must not show any foreign objects, other vehicles or people.

Format of sent documents

The application is filled in for each vehicle without changing the name of the file "Application.docx". The set of materials, including the application, supporting documents and photo materials are added to the folder named according to the vehicle identification number. The folder is archived and sent to the e-mail address, or to the office of the company on an electronic device.

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Vladivostok, Russian Federation


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